Monday, May 16, 2011

Back from HK and back to Bikram Alabang

Hubby & I had to go to HK for work and we just got back yesterday. HK was bad--lots of fried fatty foods. Ugh. We did A LOT of walking and I was even able to sneak in one run in our trip but mostly it was gluttony for me. I had a lot of milk teas, sweets and lots of fatty chinese food like duck.
I was really tired from our trip because we didn't have much sleep since the kiddos were with us and then we were walking and standing for about 6-8 hours a day. Baby P slept with me last night so I wasn't able to rest either. To make the long story short, I was really exhausted but I still pushed myself to go to Bikram because I just ate too much fat and I want to melt some of what I ate.
I have gone to Bikram before with just a little bit of sleep so I didn't really think that I'd do so bad BUT I did. At first I thought I was doing fine since I was able to stay in the hard poses like the standing bow. I didn't fall out and that is a great feat especially since I was running low on sleep. Little did I know that me nailing the balancing postures would actually come back to bite me in the butt!
I felt it as I was coming out of the balancing stick. When my feet were both on the ground, that's when I felt it. I lifted my eyes and there were white spots and some blackening of my vision and I felt like throwing up. My first thought was "Oh no, it's too early for this to happen". From that point on, I struggled. For some reason, my vision couldn't focus and things would look blurry from time to time. I had to sit out some postures and I was not happy about this. I felt embarrassed and disappointed with how I was doing and when we were on the mat already I realized that I can't do anything. My body is feeling what it is feeling and instead of fighting it I just let it be. I accepted my bad day but at least I still finished the class and was still able to work out. I guess I just need some beauty sleep tonight to have a better day at the gym tom. I'll let you know how I do tomorrow during my PT session at the gym.
 This was how I felt in class this morning!

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