My sister-in-law and her family are here visiting us and it's for this reason that I have been spacing out double sessions consistently this month so that I can make up for the time that we'd be going out of town with them. As we were talking this morning I realized that I completely forgot about the family reunion we'd be having next sunday so I had to do a double class today just to make up for that.
I honestly didn't know if I was up to doing a double especially if the class was going to be really difficult. Omar was the teacher this morning and God bless him because he gave us a wonderful break this morning. He was easy on us and I was smiling to Lea in class because I got my wish. What bothered me this morning were some of the people practicing. There were some girls who kept on talking to each other in class and it was quite distracting because they were right behind me. Because I was so irritated, there was a time that I looked at them and they were just staring at themselves in the mirror doing next to nothing. I said to myself that I would be damned before I acted that way in class. I mean, what's the point of going to class if you're not even going to try to do good in it? It would be such a waste of time.
Okay enough of that negative energy. As Lea told me this morning, positive energy and thinking only. That shall be my mantra for the remaining days of this challenge.
I was still undecided about doing a double but Omar told me that he'll be giving a really easy class this afternoon so I went home and ate, took a shower, played with the kids then I went back to the studio. I was so happy that Omar did give me a much needed breather today. I was able to exert more effort and energy into my postures because I wasn't gasping for air. I told Omar that I would love him forever if he gave us an easy class so I told him so after class. I told him that I would love him forever until he gave me another difficult class. hehehe.
Am I tired? Hell yeah! Maybe I'll get a massage later and try to relax my stiff muscles because I will be doing the 6am class again tom. 11 days to go. I can do this. Positive outcomes only!
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