Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 20, 21 & 22 of the 30 day Bikram Yoga Challenge

I was a bit busy yesterday so I wasn't able to write about my 20th day. I went to the 6am class and Omar was still able to give us a much needed breather. The good thing about the 6am class is that it's still a bit cool so I didn't really have to battle with the heat. I just had to stay focused and be in the moment. My shoulders are still a bit sore from my massages so that was what I had to work with but my body was ok and my mind was also ok yesterday, not so weak and not so strong.
For today, I did my 6th double for my 21st & 22nd classes. In the morning, I was feeling really tired but I decided to challenge myself. I knew that Omar wasn't going to make us hold the postures long so I made it a point to do better while I was in the postures. I kicked my leg out for the first time since my injury in standing head to knee and I was surprised that I was able to do the full expression and I didn't fall out when I was doing my right leg. It gave me such a boost of confidence even if I fell out of the left side. I couldn't believe that weeks of actually holding back has done me some good. My standing leg was more stable since I was able to form the habit of really locking my knees. I finished my morning practice tired but happy.
For the afternoon class, 4pm, I was dreading the heat! I think my memory of my 4pm class last week still had its lingering effects on me. I was quite surprised tho that I wasn't so bothered by the heat this time(of course this could also be because Omar opened the door and windows more than Ginger last week). My thirst was the nagging thing I was fighting with and yes I did drink about 4 or 5 times in class but at least I had a pretty strong and calm mind. I was in high spirits after the class and I only have one more double class to go! woohoo!
This has been quite a journey and I can't wait to see how I'll feel on the last day.
Day 23 coming up tomorrow!

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