Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 30 of the 30 day Bikram Yoga Challenge

Today was the last day of the challenge and I was up for anything I was ready to take in a hard class because I knew that I had the option of resting the next day. I just came from my chiropractor and I also had my myotherapy that morning so I was hoping that the adjustments would help me. Finally, I have been able to notice the improvement in my back. It's still painful but I feel more balanced and I'm able to go in deeper into my postures.

Ginger taught our class that day and everyone was in high spirits. It was quite humid so even if Ginger was generous in opening the windows and door, it was still a bit hard to breathe. I was so into my practice that I really got jolted when someone shouted "Excuse me, she passed out" in a very panic stricken voice. I looked back to look for who it was and I did get surprised to find the girl lying down flat on her back with eyes closed. We were still in the standing series here so it wasn't hard to see who it was. Ginger was quick to act and immediately took charge. She went to her just when she started to open her eyes and thank goodness that she smiled. I admit that I did get a bit rattled but I shook it off and forced myself to concentrate once again.

Since it was my last day, I didn't back off as much only for camel and rabbit because they are very deep postures and I know that my back cannot withstand those for now. I surprised myself by not falling on standing head to knee where my right leg was my standing leg--this is my weaker side so it felt great to have been able to get in and out of the posture without falling off. 

I was so happy when we ended, starving but happy! I am really thankful that I was given the opportunity to do the 30 day challenge because it really has changed me. I'm physically and mentally stronger. I've learned to appreciate the power of my mind again. I have learned to face my fears head on--practicing during 4pm has definitely helped me face my fear of the sun's heat and lack of cold air! I am grateful for the friendships that we have formed also through this challenge. Thank you to our teachers, Ginger, Omar and Rina. You guys have helped us by practicing, teaching and struggling with us all throughout this month =)

Here are some photos of the party we had:

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